"When I die, there is just one word that I want people to place in my tombstone... not my name, but just the word TEACHER. I want to be remembered by many only for one thing, that I am a teacher and forever I will be a teacher."
I was in a career exploration seminar in UP (University of the Philippines)many years ago when I heard one of the speakers delivered these lines. And I did wonder then what made this teacher say that. What she said struck me so much that even if many years had passed, I can still remember her lines (though I can't remember anymore her name nor the details to her story).
I believe what made her say that is actually embedded in this fictional story about a teacher who died and was sent to heaven (Some of you might have encountered this already.). For the many who haven't heard of this yet, let me then share with you this teacher's beautiful story.
There was this teacher who died and so was sent to heaven. Upon arriving at the gates of heaven, there were three other men who had been waiting for their turns to be interviewed by St. Peter (known as heaven's gatekeeper) and eventually be allowed entrance to heaven.
The teacher sat beside the three other men. He smiled at them and they smiled in return. A few moments passed, and St. Peter came out.
The first man was called and was asked by St. Peter, "What did you do with the life God had lent you?" The man said, "I was an engineer and built bridges and roads and buildings and homes, so that men may have shelter and means to be connected even if they live far from each other." "Very good," said St. Peter. You were a great man; therefore, enter the kingdom of God."
The second man was called and asked the same question. The man excitedly shared, "I was a doctor. I cured people of their illnesses and save thousands of lives." "Well done, Doctor. You were a great man; go and enter God's kingdom."
The third man was called and was asked the same question. This time, the man said with utmost enthusiasm, "I was a lawyer. And as a lawyer, I rendered my services for free to the poor ones and I won their battles in court." "Excellent. You were also a great man. Go and enter God's kingdom," said St. Peter.
While all the interviews were being conducted, the teacher was just quiet, but on his lips one would notice the beautiful smile which seemed to be coming from his fondness of the three men being interviewed and the answers they had in response to what St. Peter asked.
Now, it was the teacher's turn. He was called by St. Peter and was asked the same question. "Old man, what did you do with the life that God had lent you?" The old man smiled at St. Peter, and with great excitement, enthusiam and pride, he said, "I made no bridges or homes; I cured no man of any illness; and I won no case for any poor man in court. But if there was one thing I was truly proud of... I made them three (referring to the engineer, the doctor and the lawyer). I was their teacher!" "Excellent work, old man. You were indeed noble and worthy of honor. Go, enter the kingdom, and sit at God's right hand at the banquet He had long prepared for His noble children."
The three men were in awe hearing what the old man had said, and all together recognized their old teacher. They honored him and gave him thanks for making them the great men that they were.
The old man entered the gates of heaven with so much gladness in his heart, as his former students held him by the hand.
There you have it. What, therefore, made that teacher (who spoke at the university) say that? It was the beauty there is in teaching. Teaching is all about helping people: educating them, empowering them, and inspiring them, so that they get to accomplish the mission in life God has entrusted them.
With that, let me invite all of you, my dear teachers to say,"I'm truly proud to be a TEACHER --- I educate, I empower, I inspire!"
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