Thursday, July 31, 2008


Your students will definitely be amazed to know that there are a number of things that can be kept in the refrigerator besides food. And these are...

  • Camera film will often stay fresh beyond its expiration date if it's kept in the refrigerator.

  • Candles won't wilt and lose their shape in hot weatherif they're refrigerated. And if they're stored for 24 hours or more in the fridge, they won't drip when burned.

  • Clothing that's been ruined by chewing gum can be saved if it's placed in the freezer compartment. This will turn the gum brittle and make it easy to remove with a knife.

  • If you sprinkled clothes for ironing but don't have the time to finish pressing them, you can orevent the clothes from becoming mildewed by keeping them in a plastic bag inside the refrigerator.

  • Hair coloring products lose some of their effectiveness in hot weather, but you can prolong their life by refrigerating them.

  • Lipsticks will hold its shape longer if refrigerated. And lipstick that is melted can be reshaped after it's chilled

  • Tulip bulbs will remain dormant until planting time if they're kept in the fridge. It's best to chill them for 60 days at 40 degrees before planting.

  • Both flowers and vegetable seeds will stay fresh longer if they are stored inside a jar in the refrigerator.

  • Cigarettes stay fresher and flashlight batteries keep longer when they're refrigerated.

  • Refrigerated storage will also help perfume and cologne retain their fragrance longer, firm up soft soap and prevent shoe polish from drying out and hardening.

Source: The Pocket Book of Information (A Little of Everything) by C.S. Canonigo, 2001.

Commonly Overused Words (C-E)

As promised, here is the list of commonly overused words starting with C, D and E. And I trust that this will be of great help to you and your students in expressing yourselves clearly, correctly and precisely.
  • CAUSE origin, stimulus, inspiration, motive
  • CERTAIN unquestionable, incontrovertible, unmistakable, indubitable, assured, confident
  • CHANGE alter, transform, vary, replace, diversify
  • CHOOSE select, elect, nominate, prefer, identify
  • DESCENT respectable, adequate, fair, suitable
  • DEFINITELY unquestionably, clearly, precisely, positively, inescapably
  • EASY effortless, natural, comfortable, undemanding, pleasant, relaxed
  • EFFECTIVE powerful, successful
  • EMPHASIZE underscore, feature, accentuate
  • END limit, boundary, finish, conclusion, finale, resolution
  • ENERGY vitality, vigor, force, dynamism
  • ENJOY savor, relish, revel, benefit
  • ENTIRE complete, inclusive, unbroken, integral
  • EXCELLENT superior, remarkable, splendid, unsurpass, superb, magnificent
  • EXCITING thrilling, steering, rousing, dramatic

Source: Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar (Communication in Action) Platinum Level

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Commonly Overused Words (A-B)

Teachers should always have to be precise with the word they use to convey their meaning when either talking or writing.

Consult this simple THESAURUS to find alternatives for some commonly overused words. Consult a full-length thesaurus to find alternatives to words that do not appear here. Keep in mind that the choices offered in a thesaurus do not all mean exactly the same. Review all the options, and choose the one that best expresses your meaning.

ABOUT approximately, nearly, almost, approaching, close to
ABSOLUTELY unconditionally, perfectly, completely, ideally, purely
ACTIVITY action, movement, operation, labor, exertion, enterprise, project, pursuit, endeavor, job, assignment, pastime, scheme, task
ADD attach, affix, join, unite, append, increase, amplify
AFFECT adjust, influence, transform, moderate, incline, motivate, prompt
AMAZING overwhelming, astonishing, stratling, unexpected, stunning, dazzling, remarkable
AWESOME impresive, stupendous, fabulous, astonishing, outstanding
BAD defective, inadequate, poor, unsatisfactory, disagreeable, offensive, repulsive, corrupt, wicked, naughty, harmful, injurious, unfavorable
BASIC essential, necessary, indispensable, vital, fundamental, elementary
BEAUTIFUL attractive, appealing, alluring, exquisite, gorgeous, handsome, stunning
BEGIN commence, found, initiate, introduce, launch, originate
BETTER preferable, superior, worthier
BIG enormous, extensive, huge, immense, massive
BORING commonplace, monotonous, tedious, tiresome
BRING accompany, cause, convey, create, conduct, deliver, produce

In my next post, I will give you commonly overused words beginning with letters C-E.

source: Writing and Grammar (Communication in Action) published by Prentice Hall

Friday, July 18, 2008

Make a Difference

Looking for meanig in your life? Feeling down and worthless? Wanting to make a difference but you seem to be too ordinary to do it? Well, here's a video that will definitely make you feel good about yourself and will move you to action. Go, be inspired and make a difference.

And to all teachers out there, you may want to share this clip with your students so that they, too, get to be inspired!