Thursday, July 31, 2008


Your students will definitely be amazed to know that there are a number of things that can be kept in the refrigerator besides food. And these are...

  • Camera film will often stay fresh beyond its expiration date if it's kept in the refrigerator.

  • Candles won't wilt and lose their shape in hot weatherif they're refrigerated. And if they're stored for 24 hours or more in the fridge, they won't drip when burned.

  • Clothing that's been ruined by chewing gum can be saved if it's placed in the freezer compartment. This will turn the gum brittle and make it easy to remove with a knife.

  • If you sprinkled clothes for ironing but don't have the time to finish pressing them, you can orevent the clothes from becoming mildewed by keeping them in a plastic bag inside the refrigerator.

  • Hair coloring products lose some of their effectiveness in hot weather, but you can prolong their life by refrigerating them.

  • Lipsticks will hold its shape longer if refrigerated. And lipstick that is melted can be reshaped after it's chilled

  • Tulip bulbs will remain dormant until planting time if they're kept in the fridge. It's best to chill them for 60 days at 40 degrees before planting.

  • Both flowers and vegetable seeds will stay fresh longer if they are stored inside a jar in the refrigerator.

  • Cigarettes stay fresher and flashlight batteries keep longer when they're refrigerated.

  • Refrigerated storage will also help perfume and cologne retain their fragrance longer, firm up soft soap and prevent shoe polish from drying out and hardening.

Source: The Pocket Book of Information (A Little of Everything) by C.S. Canonigo, 2001.

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