Monday, May 4, 2009

The Secret: Be Empowered

"Thoughts become things."
"You have the power to create the kind of life you dream to have."
"The law of attraction is always at work for you: like attracts like."

These and many more are the beautiful ideas shared to us by the book, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. This has been one of my preoccupations lately. I have been into experimenting how to apply these principles in making my every day truly abundant and rich with blessings from the universe (from God!). I'm just starting to really be serious with this and I know that wonderful things are coming my way really soon. This I can feel and this I believe with faith and gratitude!

Wouldn't you want to share the same kind of motivation to your students? Wouldn't this uplift their spirits and empower them to be the best of who they can be? Help them do this by sharing with them the book or the movie (if that format will interest them more).

You can start by letting them watch the short video clip I have below, and let your students feel and unleash the power they have within to creating the life they dream of having.

Enjoy and be empowered!

1 comment:

Annie said...

LOA is at work in our lives from the day that we are born,but the attractor is not our conscious mind but the spirit w/in u

Vision board